Is your spouse cheating survey?

If your spouse exhibits any of the traits in the following list, call us for a free, confidential consultation.

•    Increased need for personal space or private time
•    Sudden changes in clothing, hairstyle, cologne/perfume, teeth         whitening, working out
•    Increased internet use including social networking sites
•    Guarding their cell phone with their life
•    Unexplained or last minute changes in their schedule
•    Personality or behavioral changes
•    Changes in their sexual habits
•    Unusual charges on credit card statements, unexplained                 receipts
•    Emotional distance, defensiveness, and anger
•    “I don’t want to be here” attitude
•    Increase in vehicle mileage
•    They find fault with everything you do
•    They develop new interests, tastes, preferences
•    Clothing smells of tobacco, alcohol, perfume
•    Unexplained cash withdrawals, new bank accounts

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck; it’s a duck. Trust your intuition and “don’t be a victim.”


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