Undercover Operations

We are living in an age in which people are becoming more technologically savvy than ever before. Surveillance cameras are everywhere, and the bad guys are working to become more proficient in “getting around” the existing systems and technology.

At National Security Service, we’re working overtime to keep ahead of the trends. We excel in hidden-camera technology, and have our own, dedicated “Tech Guy” whose sole responsibility is to figure out new and innovative ways to get the evidence our clients need.

Our team of investigators are masters of covert surveillance; they can blend seamlessly into
crowds and hide in plain sight.

Over the years, we have utilized passenger cars, sports utility vehicles, vans, trucks, stationary vehicles, roadwork vehicles, bicycles, skateboards, skates, scooters, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, jet skis and boats. We have a vehicle for every situation. We have jogged, walked dogs, sold items door-to-door and used many other creative techniques.

Our skills have been honed over 25 years of experience, training, and continued education. Whatever the situation, your goals will be accomplished by our elite team of investigators.


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